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DB2 - Problem description

Problem IT15979 Status: Closed


FLSHCPY DB2 AGE / 5608AC6DB / 41L - DB2
Problem description:
IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot restore operations on Linux may
fail with warning message FMM0772W and the error message
FMM1241E indicating that some file systems that should be
restored could not be unmounted. IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot
erroneously detects that a volume group does not contain any
file system. But in fact the volume group contains multiple
logical volumes which some are in state available and file
systems are mounted and others are in state NOT available and
don't have file systems mounted. This causes IBM Spectrum
Protect Snapshot to leave those mentioned file systems mounted
during the restore operation which subsequently causes the error
message FMM1241E.
L2 Diagnostic:
The restore log file shows the warning message FMM0772W and the
error message FMM1241E:
13:01:30 FMM0749I List of the current file systems on the backed
up volume groups ...
13:01:31 FMM0772W The database volume groups do not contain
currently any file system.
13:01:31 ut80p0Dvg lv_db_tsp0_new /usr/db/dbinst/db2xyz/p0/ts
13:01:31 FMM0750I List of file systems which will be restored...
13:01:31 lv_db2newfvol_NODE000_new
/opt/db2newfvol/db/dbinst/NODE0000  mount_options=rw,...
13:01:31 lvdbtmp_p0_new /usr/dbtmp/dbinst/db2xyz/p0
13:01:31 lv_db_tsp0_new /usr/db/dbinst/db2xyz/p0/ts
13:01:32 FMM6905I Response to Flash request.
13:01:32 FMM0511I ====>Performing IBM Tivoli Storage
FlashCopy(R) Manager RESTORE command.
13:01:32 FMM0236I Disabling the volumes and filesystems ...
13:01:32 FMM0188I Trying to set the semaphore for the critical
part of importing/exporting ...
13:01:35 FMM0172I Start of listing of exported volume
groups/unmounting file systems ...
13:01:35 FMM0590I Unmounting the file system
13:01:35 FMM0189I Semaphore released.
13:01:35 FMM1241E Unable to unmount the following filesystems:
When tracing is enabled the xsflog trace file shows the
2016-06-17 13:01:33 INFO     Running command '['lvdisplay',
2016-06-17 13:01:33 DEBUG    Command line 'lvdisplay ut80tmpvg'
has ended with exit code 0.
 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Path                /dev/ut80tmpvg/lv_db2newfvol_NODE000_new
 LV Name                lv_db2newfvol_NODE000_new
 VG Name                ut80tmpvg
 LV UUID                d15IgP-fZvK-U0qn-VxZm-oKLe-Hjb5-9qQo0j
 LV Write Access        read/write
 LV Creation host, time pc95ut80, 2016-05-23 15:46:09 -0500
 LV Status              available
 # open                 1
 LV Size                4.00 GiB
 Current LE             1024
 Segments               1
 Allocation             inherit
 Read ahead sectors     auto
 - currently set to     4096
 Block device           253:40

 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Path                /dev/ut80tmpvg/lvdata_dck1n0_new
 LV Name                lvdata_dck1n0_new
 VG Name                ut80tmpvg
 LV UUID                xbp3WP-uBKY-VR06-7LDx-KtFq-ZVRv-cBpdDo
 LV Write Access        read/write
 LV Creation host, time pc95ut80, 2016-05-28 09:17:13 -0500
 LV Status              NOT available
 LV Size                5.00 GiB
 Current LE             1280
 Segments               1
 Allocation             inherit
 Read ahead sectors     auto
Affected Releases:
FlashCopy Manager / IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot on Unix/Linux
3.1, 3.2 and 4.1
Initial Impact:  Medium
Additional Keywords:  TSM FCM TDP Tivoli Storage Manager
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager v3.1.0 trough  *
* v4.1.6 for Linux on all applications.                        *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* During the restore operation, IBM Tivoli Storage             *
* FlashCopy(R) Manager for Linux can end with error message    *
* FMM1241E when the production                                 *
* logical volumes on the Linux host are inactive.              *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Verify the status of the logical volume using the Logical    *
* Volume Manage commands:                                      *
* Example of inactive logical volume:                          *
* The Linux LVM command "lvdisplay" will show the inactive     *
* status of the corresponding logical volumes.                 *
* Below is an example output of the lvdisplay command:         *
* --- Logical volume ---                                       *
*   LV Path                /dev/ut80tmpvg/lvdata_evm1n0_new    *
*   LV Name                lvdata_evm1n0_new                   *
*   VG Name                ut80tmpvg                           *
*   LV UUID                                                    *
* xcr3WR-uBKY-VP06-7LBx-QtFq-ZVPv-cArdDo                       *
*   LV Write Access        read/write                          *
*   LV Creation host, time pc95ut80, 2016-06-08 09:17:13 -0500 *
*   LV Status              NOT available                       *
*   LV Size                5.00 GiB                            *
*   Current LE             1280                                *
*   Segments               1                                   *
*   Allocation             inherit                             *
*   Read ahead sectors     auto                                *
The restore log file shows the warning message FMM0772W and the
error message FMM1241E:
FMM0772W The database volume groups do not contain currently any
file system.
FMM1241E Unable to unmount the following filesystems:
Below is an example of a list of file systems:
Local Fix:
Identify the reason why the volume group contains a logical
volume that is in status 'NOT available'.
Remove this logical volume or activate it and create a file
system on it and rerun the snapshot restore operation.
not known / see Local fix
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s)