DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC85196 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
After detaching a partition from a range partitioned table with a dependent materialized query table (MQT), a unique global index might get created. If a unique global index gets created and the detached partition has any duplicates, refreshing the MQT might lead to incorrect results. The following commands illustrate how refreshing the MQT might lead to incorrect results: create table t1(rk int not null, uk int not null) partition by range(rk) (starting 0 ending 10001 every 1000); insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,1); create table t2 (uk int not null); insert into t2 values(1); create table m1 as (select t1.uk, count(*) as count from t1, t2 where t1.uk=t2.uk group by t1.uk) data initially deferred refresh immediate; refresh table m1; select * from m1; UK COUNT ----------- ----------- 1 2 1 record(s) selected. alter table t1 detach partition part0 into part0; create unique index t1_uk on t1(uk) not partitioned; refresh table m1; select * from m1; UK COUNT ----------- ----------- 1 1 1 record(s) selected. To identify the MQTs that are affected by this problem, perform the following steps: 1) Record the current query optimization level and set it to 3 by issuing the following commands: select current query optimization from sysibm.sysdummy1; set current query optimization 3; 2) Verify if querying the MQT and the MQT query definition return different result set by issuing the following commands: (mqt_query_definition) except all select * from mqt select * from mqt except all (mqt_query_definition) Using the previous example, the resultant queries are as follows: (select t1.uk, count(*) as count from t1, t2 where t1.uk=t2.uk group by t1.uk) except all select * from m1 UK COUNT ----------- ----------- 0 record(s) selected. select * from m1 except all (select t1.uk, count(*) as count from t1, t2 where t1.uk=t2.uk group by t1.uk) UK COUNT ----------- ----------- 1 1 1 record(s) selected. If either of the EXCEPT ALL queries return any record, then that MQT is impacted and is returning incorrect result. | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All users running DB2 Version 9.7 GA through Fix Pack 6 for * * Linux, Unix and Windows and creating global unique index * * after detaching a partition. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Update to DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7 or follow Local Fix. * **************************************************************** | |
Local-Fix: | |
Run "REFRESH TABLE <mqt_name> NOT INCREMENTAL" to do a full refresh on the MQT | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
Problem is first fixed in DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7. | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Bug-Verfolgung | |
Vorgänger : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IC86029 IC86325 IC86330 Nachfolger : | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 09.07.2012 18.10.2012 07.12.2012 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7.FP7 | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | |