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Erik Stahlhut

CURSOR Service Distribution

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Admin-Scout für Informix

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  • Das Informix Tool direkt aus dem CURSOR Informix Support.

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    Mit einem Hintergrund von über 25 Jahren Informix Support, Administration und systemnaher Programmierung, entwickeln und vertreiben wir den Admin-Scout seit 2015.

  • Durch unseren Managed Service Ansatz, eignet sich der Admin-Scout für nahezu alle Einsatzbereiche des Informix Datenbanksystems. Unsere Kunden sind IT-Abteilungen und Administratoren im Handel, bei Banken, Hochschulen, Gewerbe und in der Industrie.


Über uns

die CURSOR Service Distribution

  • High-Value Service Provider für IBM Informix.

  • Distribution für IBM Data-Management Software (OEM/ASL/ESA Lizenzierung für ISVs).

Die CURSOR Service Distribution ist ein Geschäftsbereich der CURSOR Software AG, hervorgegangen aus der Übernahme des Informix und Development-Tool Spezialisten «Nonne & Schneider» Ende 2005.

Wir bieten weitreichende technische Serviceleistung für IBM Informix. Als High-Value Serviceprovider sind wir der direkter Ansprechpartner für alle Servicebelange unserer Kunden zu diesen Datenbanken.

Unsere Serviceleistungen sind dabei unabhängig von einer Lizenzierung über unser Haus. Namhafte Kunden setzen auf unser Monitoring und haben unsere Tools im Einsatz, während Lizenzierung und Update-Wartung direkt bei IBM unter Vertrag sind.


CURSOR Software AG

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DB2 - Problembeschreibung

Problem IC69097 Status: Geschlossen

VERSION 3.61.65/4.11.69 FOR DB2 LUW V9.7 FIXPACK 3

Documentation of changes in IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC 
and SQLJ version 3.61.65/4.11.69 for DB2 LUW V9.7 Fixpack 3. 
The previous version was 3.59.81/4.9.78 for DB2 LUW V9.7 
Fixpack 2. 
T4 Connectivity: With the support of EXPLAIN MODE special 
registers starting in DB2 z/OS v10, EXPLAIN MODE sections 
need to be bound by the DB2Binder.  The required support is 
added in the driver. (wsdbu00646812) 
All Connectivities: PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream () 
throws an indexoutofbounds exception for an XML document 
greater than 1GB. (wsdbu00642607) 
All Connectivities: Against IDS, when auto generated keys 
are requested on a table without any auto generated columns 
defined via Connection.prepareStatement (String, int), 
SQLCODE -206 is encountered. (wsdbu00654101) 
All Connectivities: Accessing the result set returned by 
a SQL stored procedure created with the CONCURRENT ACCESS 
RESOLUTION W (Wait for outcome) option, results in a null 
pointer exception. (wsdbu00642450) 
All Connectivity Types: If the target server is i5 
and progressiveStreaming is on (the default is on), 
Clob.position(Clob, long)/Blob.position(Blob, long) or 
PreparedStatement.setBlob/setClob may throw an exception 
with error code -423. (wsdbu00664162) 
All Connectivity Types: Previously, setObject with value 
null for static path would fail with SQLException "Invalid 
data conversion: Parameter instance null is invalid for 
 the requested conversion". Now JCC allows setObject 
with null for static path if it is not for z/OS stored 
procedures. (140483) 
T4 Connectivity Type: If client reroute is configured 
and queryTimeOut is set, if the primary server goes down 
and the application reroutes to the alternative server, 
the application may hang. (141179) 
All Connectivity Type: JCC now does range checking 
on DataSource property updateCountForBatch and 
cursorSensitivity. If the property is set to a value 
other than 0, 1, or 2, the driver will throw an exception. 
(wsdbu00661126, wsdbu00661167) 
SQLJ All Connectivities: The SQLJ Customizer process 
returns a zero return code when the customization is 
successful but the SQLJ Bind invoked by it failed. The SQLJ 
Binder is invoked automatically by the SQLJ Customizer in a 
single process. So if the Binder fails, the Customizer 
should return a non-zero return code. (141014) 
SQLJ All Connectivities: An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception 
occurs when statement caching is turned on under WebSphere 
6.1, and a single SQLJ statement is executed in both 
batched and non-batched execution paths. (wsdbu00653325) 
Type-4 XA Connectivity: The JCC driver is making duplicate 
authentication/connection flows to the DB2 server for LUW 
when opening the XA connection. (wsdbu00643372) 
Type-4 XA Connectivity: Under a sysplexWLB environment, an 
XAException with XAER_PROTO error might be thrown when an 
error occurs on the network connection flow between the 
application and the DB2 server. (wsdbu00643370, 140754) 
Type-4 XA Connectivity: Under a sysplexWLB environment, the 
JCC driver repeatedly tries to connect to the member that 
is already down. It should try to connect to the other 
available members. (wsdbu00661116) 
Type-4 Connectivity: Under a sysplexWLB environment, an 
SQLException with SQLCODE204 (-204) might be thrown during 
automatic client reroute. (wsdbu00661111, 141161) 
Type-4 Connectivity: Under a sysplexWLB environment, the 
application gets an XAException with XAER_DUPID error when 
re-executing XA start and the SQL statement during 
automatic client reroute. However, the subsequent XA End 
does not give any error. The new behavior is to throw an 
XAER_RBOTHER exception on XA End. This will inform the 
application that the global transaction is not in the 
correct state after the XAER_DUPID error and the 
application can issue XA Rollback to remedy the problem. 
(wsdbu00655926, 141529) 
Type-4 Connectivity: Under a sysplexWLB environment, 
applications might hang if they get a when some members 
are down. (wsdbu00655918, 141894) 
Type-4 Connectivity: Under a sysplexWLB environment, an 
SQLException with SQLCODE20398 (-20398) will be thrown if 
one of the input parameters for a PreparedStatement is an 
inputStream and the JCC driver is re-executing the 
statement when automatic client re-route occurred. This is 
not the correct behavior. The statement should not be 
retried because part of the input steam might have been 
consumed and it cannot be restarted from the beginning of 
the inputStream. (wsdbu00643356, 139098) 
All Connectivities: The DBTimestamp error message 
incorrectly prints out the ISO format as[.ffffffffffff][ ](+|-)th:tm and[.ffffffffffff] where the period between 
dd and hh should be hyphen. The correct format is[.ffffffffffff][ ](+|-)th:tm 
(wsdbu00654941 wsdbu00656138 ) 
Type-2 LUW Connectivity: There are some environments where 
multiple JDBC drivers can exist in the same JVM. Some of 
these drivers accept the URL jdbc:default:connection on the 
client side while others only accept it in the server side 
stored procedure environment. Previously the JCC T2 LUW 
driver accepted the dbc:default:connection URL on the 
client side by returning "true" for 
java.sql.Driver.acceptsURL() and then eventually fails 
while loading the type 2 native library on the client side. 
This problem has been resolved by this defect. 
Type-4 Connectivity: Driver throws an exception with 
SQLCODE4499 (-4499) with message "A DRDA Data Stream 
Syntax Error was detected" when describe information 
is returned for a large number of columns such that the 
amount of data returned expand exactly 2 complete, full 
DRDA blocks. (142836) 
Type-4 Connectivity: Driver throws an exception with 
SQLCODE4470 (-4470) with message "Invalid operation: 
result set is closed" when () is invoked 
following a seamless failover.  Driver code has been 
enhanced to make the failover non-seamless if there are 
open result sets at the time of failover. (141370) 
Type-4 Connectivity: When driver properties 
"affinityFailbackInterval", "enableSeamlessFailover" 
and "enableClientAffinitiesList" are enabled, driver 
fails to failback to the primary server if the primary 
server is stopped and restarted. (137964) 
Type-4 Connectivity: When driver properties 
"affinityFailbackInterval" and "sslConnection" are both 
enabled, driver fails to failback to the primary server 
because it was not creating a SSL socket to detect 
the availability of the failback server. (137301) 
All Connectivity Types:  An extra space is injected into the 
string literal when escape syntax is used with a return 
value. (137966) 
All Connectivity Types: Driver throws a 
java.lang.NullPointerException when 
DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo is called and servers 
returns SQLCODE413 (-413). (wsdbu00660747) 
Type-4 Connectivity: No data is returned from the result 
set when connecting to DB2 for iSeries and 
DatabaseMetaData.getTables is called. (wsdbu00652278) 
All Connectivity Types: The JCC driver may go into an 
infinite loop when setCharacterStream without length takes 
a stream that contains surrogate characters. (wsdbu00655959) 
All Connectivity Types: Under binary XML, JCC prints out 
each item separator as a new line.  Now it is printed 
out as a space. (wsdbu00648349) 
All Connectivity Types: Some data may be missing when 
setAsciiStream is used under binary XML. (137349) 
Type-4 Connectivity:  Against servers which support binary 
XML, and deferPrepares and binary XML are enabled, a -301 
will occur when calling PreparedStatement.setSQLXML() 
against a BINARY, VARBINARY, or BLOB data type.  This is 
expected.  However, when the JDBC driver tries again to 
execute the statement, it will flow binary XML to the server 
when textual XML should be sent. (wsdbu00660370) 
All Connectivities:  When SQLCODE -911 is returned from DB2 
LUW server, while accessing the result set returned for a 
select statement, a null pointer exception is thrown by the 
driver. (wsdbu00665571) 
All Connectivities:  Parsing a XML sequence returned from 
the server as a result of a XQuery via the SAX source is 
resulting in a bug check exception from the driver. 
T4 Connectivity Type: In a Sysplex environment, if the 
application sets the securityMechanism to 
AES, getting a connection may fail sporadically 
with SQLException -4214. (wsdbu00668088) 
All Connectivity Types: A Java StackOverflowError may occur 
when the target DB2 for LUW server returns an SQL error 
with error code -805 and the JCC property 
retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage is turned on. 
SQLJ All Connectivities: An SQLException with the message 
'ResultSet is closed' may occur while retrieving data 
from a SQLJ singleton SELECT statement i.e. SELECT INTO 
statement under WebSphere(WAS) 7 server. (wsdbu00674905) 
All Connectivities: When the DELIMIDENT variable is turned 
on in IDS and quoted column names are used to specify the 
auto generated keys column names, the driver is throwing 
a SQLException with -4461 SQL code. (wsdbu00671428)
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* Users of the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ        * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* See Error Description                                        * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* Upgrade to DB2 LUW V9.7 Fixpack 3                            * 
verfügbare FixPacks:
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 6 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Problems fixed in DB2 LUW V9.7 Fixpack 3
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix
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