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Informix Feature Requests

IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

  • Here ist the place to post you suggestions to improve and develop Informix.
  • Vote to support the realisation of particular features.
  • Let yourself be informed via e-mail about the the progress of recent requests.

Both critisism and suggestions of users and customers are valuable feebacks to improve solutions.The IBM has implemented a websitesite within the DeveloperWorks to encourage this dialogue with users, administrators and developers.

IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers stands for the reception of improvement suggestions. The portal is available for most of the IBM's software products. Here you can adress your requests directly, respectively observe the already existing requests.

The positioning of a request is easy. Within a form the product's information and suggestions will be recorded. After a check and the release by an IBM worker, visitors of the site can have a direct influence on the importance of a request. This is done through a vote function with which you can vote for a particular request. The number of votes influences the order of execution.

The IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers website is an important facility for the Informix Community to have a direct influence on the improvement and development of Informix. Use this opportunity!

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