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Admin-Scout download Updates

Admin-Scout - Download Updates & Images

Installation of Updates
  • Go to the menu: "Backup / Restore und Update"
  • choose "Admin-Scout-Update" and choose your update file from here. After this click on "Upload Update"
  • Is the upload finished, you see your file and the size of the file.
  • Click on "Update" and wait on the success-message.

After this update you must update the Open-Admin plugin. Go to the Open-Admin-Tool under Admin to the "Plugin-Manager" menu entry. You can see the "CURSOR-Scout-Plugin" with a Update button after. Click on 'Update' and wait for finish.

After this you must check every configured instanz for new versions of the task or sensor's. Go for every instanz to the menu entry "Install Sensors" under "Scout Settings" and check the updates.

ATTENTION: for the update to version 3.0.0 the package sqlite3 must be installed.

ATTENTION: for the update to version 3.1.0 the package shellinabox must be installed (apt-get install shellinabox).

Updates are only available to registered Admin-Scout customers - please log in first