Informix 14.10 Dokumentation online verfügbar
IBM Informix V14.10 Dokumentation ist jetzt online im IBM Knowledge Center verfügbar.
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Das IBM Knowledge Center bietet einen guten Einstieg in die neue Informix Version 14.10
- J-foundation upgrade
- Log Replay
- Common Table Expression
- InformixHQ
- REGEX: rtrim flag and overloaded functions
- Backup to S3 cloud servers using V4 authentication
- Atomic replacement of stored procedure
- Replication to SPL routine
- ODBC Smart Trigger
- Integrated Encryption
- Remote Key Store for EAR
- TSTAMP data type for TimeSeries
- Spatio-temporal Enhancements
- Informix edition installer

Für die Installation von Informix 14.10 gibt es eine neue Installationsroutine.
Die Installation der Informix 14.10 Editionen erfolgt über eine neue Installationsroutine. Das Image der Version 14.10 installiert eine Informix Developer Edition. Danach wird über den neuen Informix-Edition-Installer die Aktivierung der jeweiligen Edition vorgenommen. Die Auswahl einer Edition kann auch manuell durch Austausch entsprechender xx_edition.jar Dateien erfolgen. Diese Technik bietet eine einfache Möglichkeit zwischen den Editionen zu wechseln.
Auszug aus den Installationshinweisen:
You may run the Informix edition installer to switch the edition of a 14.10 Informix installation from one edition to another. Run the edition installer as the user Informix, or as the same user that installed a private installation. This requires Java 1.8.0 to install.
Launch interactive install using:
$INFORMIXDIR/jvm/jre/bin/java -jar ee_edition.jar -i <console|gui>
Silent install can be done using:
$INFORMIXDIR/jvm/jre/bin/java -jar ee_edition.jar -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR=$INFORMIXDIR -DLICENSE_ACCEPTED=TRUE -i silent.
Alternatively the ids_install or iwa_install installer will invoke the edition installer for you. All you need to do is copy ee_edition.jar to the same directory as ids_install, and run the ids_install as normal. If there are multiple edition installers in the installation folder the first found from the list below will be installed: Advanced Enterprise Edition (aee) Advanced Developer Edition (ade) Advanced Enterprise Time Limited Edition (aetl) Enterprise Edition (ee) Time Limited Edition (tl) Workgroup Edition (we) Express Edition (e) Innovator-C Edition (ie) Developer Edition (de)